A smart watch with a wristband attached to it


A low-cost, wearable, re-usable vital-signs monitor.

Launched in 2023

Sentinel Biosensor


A bunch of boxes that are stacked on top of each other
A woman in a yellow shirt with a wearable medical deviceA person holding a cell phone in their hand with a medical diagnostics app
A display with a table and a phone

A wearable vital signs monitor for everyone C-Detect is a very low-cost, wearable, re-usable, sensor that continuously monitors key physiological vital signs every 10 mins 24x7 for 5 days on a single charge. C-Detect works out-of-the-box and can be mailed to users. C-Detect does not need an internet or cellular connection, nor routers or hubs. All communication channels such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC and cellular are built in. No infrastructure is needed.

Alerting and alarm thresholds are individually set for each user and this alerting works off-grid even if there is no network connection, It will work anywhere. All the user must do is wear it. C-Detect continuously searches for patterns in the vitals that indicate conditions such as Sepsis could be developing. When detected, C-Detect alerts the right people instantly.

The system catches life-threatening conditions before they threaten life. The outcome is not only better for the patient but also dramatically cheaper to treat. On top of this, the system also offers the clinician 'suggestions' on how they might best treat the condition and which hospital policies to enact. The suggestions are from other clinicians - C-Detect incorporates 'supervised machine learning' It learns and gets better at not only recognizing conditions but also with suggestions as to how to treat them.

A hand holding a cell phone next to a drawing of a device