If design is all about solving problems, we have to start questioning how we can make the products we use everyday, more sustainable. For us, it always comes back to “well designed products” and making small changes that focus on an improved customer experience - that way you’ll encourage behavioural change in consumers.

The emergence of pre-packaged food and disposable drinks bottles in the mid-20th century enabled people to buy instead of make, replace instead of repair, and reclassify objects and materials as waste, rather than holding on to them as resources.

At Filament, helping our customers make the right decisions with their physical products is just part of the puzzle.  Create truly amazing products: ones that are well made so the user wants to keep them, and ones that truly meet a human need.

A potted plant sitting on top of a shelf

Case Study - POTR

POTR  has the simple mission the save the ecosystem through this plant pot. Learn how a uniques design and manufacturing process helps them achieve this.


Case Study - Phox Water

In the pursuit of clean and tasty water, millions of filter cartridges go to landfill each year. Learn how Phox are changing how people use water filters.  


A box of Phox refills sitting on top of a table
An orange and white striped background

Wherever design takes us, we will be working with leading brands, disruptive start-ups and ambitious SMEs to deliver the Filament factor for success.

Our Services

Innovation management iconRegulatory support iconFunctional and user testing iconManufacturing support iconDesign for manufacture iconPrototyping iconProject management iconIP creation iconMechanical Engineering iconConcept development iconIndustrial Design IconUI/UX design iconElectronics engineering iconSoftware development iconProduct Release Strategy iconResearch - User, Technology and market iconProduct Design Engineering iconDesign led product development icon

Ideas & Insights:

For the last 10 years we have applied strategic & human centred design thinking to worldwide challenges to enable progress along markets and industries. We all know that design has the power to change lives, and is a key driver towards a more positive future. That’s why we stand by it. We stay connected to people that share our passion for innovative products that generate value and impact, and working together to bring a meaningful change to the most serious problems facing the world today.

Want to join forces to save the world?

A black and white icon of an arrow pointing right